Saturday 23 March 2013

Chapter10 'Piecing' A method of cutting and seaming

This chapter has two sections

Paper method
Creating a mosaic pattern using fabric

It applies the Seminole patchwork method with some application of Fibonnacci sequence to black and white strips to produce different designs

Paper method
The following shows different ways of cutting parallel black and white strips of paper to form patterns based on the Seminole method applying the sequence as shown below (explanations are on each photocopy) 

Creating a mosaic pattern using fabric
Using slightly larger pieces of black and white fabric than the paper above a patterned mosaic can be made by cutting and seaming until the machine can no longer stitch through the seams.  At the early stages the Fibonnacci sequence is applied when selecting where to cut for the retained top sections(seen in the photograph). It produces a fully textured sample on the bottom.

Here are the instructions and comments for the work

The following are two scanned samples, showing the top and bottom (although incomplete), with a photograph showing whole of the same piece.

The bottom piece is certainly an intriguing shape and well textured.

In addition, I've scanned the front and seamed side of a piece half way through the process which I liked.  Reminds me of a bird!  I almost decided to attach this to the top two pieces - It may have looked more balanced, although not so textured.

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