Wednesday 6 March 2013

Chapter 8 Trimmings and embellishments

Continuing the inspiration of slugs and snails, this chapter shows four different trimmings or embellishments mostly using the Seminole method of strip patchwork:

Additions to machine stitched seams
Decorated strips using layers of fabric and stitch patterns on the machine
Cords, tassles and loops
Fabric beads

Additions to machine stitched seams
Here are five samples
Sample 1. Two seams on the reverse of the other with mixed fibres

Sample 2. Seminole design where added fine fabrics and a row of stitch using the machine patterns.  This is a delicate piece where it was fun exploring which stitch patterns related in some way to slugs and snails. 

Sample 3. Four or five layers of fabric in each strip with a variety of shapes to give multi-coloured frayed seams ( I noticed this idea in Strip patchwork by Valerie Campbell-Harding pages 57 & 91)
This is just a small sample but like the jacket idea and see it useful for making bags.

Sample 4. Shows a tonal column of strips of fabric adding three different fancy threads to the seams: at the top a glittery black thread, a variegated thickness wool with added knots and silver coarse fabric.
The front and reverse of the sample are shown. 

Sample 5. Includes two different laces added to two seams within a seminole patchwork pattern

Decorated strips using layers of fabric and stitch patterns on the machine1.  This first illustration shows two samples to form a more detailed strip of material by layering a selection of fabrics joined using running stitch. The right hand sample included different widths of ribbon.

2.  The second illustration shows a piece of fabric made up with strips of other fabrics on a background using a selection of machine stitches that in some way reflected pattern on slugs and snails.

Counting the lines from left to right and not including running stitch, I feel the following are most effective: lines 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13.
Some were used in Seams sample 2.

Cords, tassles and loops
The following A4 boards show twelve samples having used one in Chapter 7, Seminole piece with variety of patterns where simple folded pieces of fabric were added to the bottom of the piece, and knotted wool used above, Seam sample 4.  Each sample is labelled on the boards.

Fabric beads

Here are some toggles, buttons or beads with sheet explaining how they were made
Some loops that could be used with the beads are shown on the above A4 boards.

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