Wednesday 7 November 2012

Module Two Animal Magic Introduction


Looking forward to this module and enjoyed trying to select the particular animals I wanted to study.  However there are so many beautiful markings feathers, wings, scales, textured skins, spikey shells and so much more.

I started with a topic web, using a wide selection of references; books, the internet, photos and the real thing.  I circled those that I might be interested in going further.

I narrowed it down to six. 
Collected some illustrations and resources and noted some words linked to each

I think I'm going to go with slugs and snails - I can see plenty in my garden!

Board showing illustrations from books, microscopic images from the Internet and I have an empty garden snail shell found in the garden

Bearing in mind work is done in black and white I'll use black and white images for the remainder of the module.

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