Monday 11 June 2012

Chapter 4 Paper designs based on crosses

This chapter contains:
Cut and fold design shaped in black paper
Cut and fold designs on coloured papers

Cut and fold designs in black paper
All designs are labelled with a number and will be referred to in future design work e.g. Design 7 as D 7 and so on

The first 4 pages contain designs 1 to 10.
They are all radiating shapes, keeping the centre focal point of a folded square in tact and at the same point of each quarter.  Each have the folded sample followed by the resulting positive image.

Designs 11 and 12 are folded into quarters but not into squares.
Design 13 was folded as in 12 but then again into eighths.

The next page shows designs 14 and 15, asymmetrical shapes folded twice asymmetrically

Designs 16 to 20 are shapes folded symmetrically into a square then cut asymmetrically.
Design 16 is the positive image and Design 17 the negative image.
Designs 18, 19 and 20 show how a cross can be cut again from a previous cross to form a negative and positive image.

Designs 21 to 26 are shapes similar to 16 to 20 above but starting from a triangle.

Designs 27a and 28a show asymmetrical shapes where the double folding is not symmetrical.

Cut and fold designs on coloured papers
All designs are labelled with a number and refer to designs originally produced in black paper e.g. Design 7 as D 7 and so on.
The colours selected are mostly turquoise and reddy orange, some have mixed colours within these ranges.  The paper varies indicated accordingly.
A code is used to abbreviate and show other combinations used:
D and a number for the original black paper design
T for turquoise, RO for reddy orange

The first two pages show symmetry where shapes are lined up centrally.
All samples have 3 layers except the fourth which has 4 layers.
All layers are non printed papers.

This page shows symmetrically cut papers with an asymmetrical composition.

This page shows asymmetrical shapes laid centrallyThere are some printed papers.

This next page shows asymmetrically mostly negative shapes and some printed papers.  There is an element of rotation to the layering.

This next page shows symmetrical and asymmetrically cut paper shapes. positive and negative images, printed and non-printed papers.
The design used is also shown, from black paper cut shapes not included earlier.

Finally, the next page shows asymmetrical complex shapes using non printed papers with a cropped version below.

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