Monday 11 June 2012

Chapter 3 Design Development based on crosses

Most of my work is set on A4 sheets
Chapter 3 contains
Design sheets A1 and A2
Design sheets B1 and B2
Design sheets C1 and C2 (with revision for C1 and advice needed to complete)

Design Sheet A1
I used black felt to label until I realised gel pens were requested 
(Gold gel pen does not work too well on turquoise - hope it can be read!) 
This shows:
i Counterchange
ii Interchange
iii Symmetry
iv Asymmetry

Design Sheet A2
This shows:
vi Distortion of an original cross into a circle, tall triangle and flat diamond                    
vii Repeat pattern using the tall triangle in a line and a curved
example which would eventually form a circle pattern

Design Sheet B1
This shows:
i Scale using a large and small version of the same cross edge to edge
ii Repeat pattern using both sizes of the cross joined edge
iii Border row pattern used to form a corner joined edge to edge
These would make great designs for book covers

Design Sheet B2
The labelling uses silver gel pen clearer on the blue background
This shows:
iv Three linking border patterns, the two crosses used have open centres
v Linking two different shapes
These would make great designs for jewellery
vi New shape from old

Design Sheet C1: Revisions are needed for this exercise
This shows:
i Complex counterchange see also revision dated 23 05 12
ii Divide and separate
iii Interlocking overlap using a shape

Revision of C1i and C1ii dated 23 05 12

Design Sheet C2:
Pattern with new design unit
Advice is required to complete this section
Up until now I've divided the shape into triangular quarters and continued with a shape quarter of the original shape.
Do I use a square quarter and enlarge it to the size of the original square? or leave it at its current size,as in C1 iii above? 

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