Wednesday 18 July 2012

Chapter 8 Bonding Stitching and Padding

This is the work completed for Chapter 8

I am conscious that some of the samples do not have a lot of stitch work on them, but there are examples where crosses are outlined in stitch rather than fabric as well as fabric crosses.

Samples either have one or two bonded layers and are labelled as such.

Samples are divided up, with the explanation of different samples prior to the pictures:

Samples 1 to 3
Samples 4 and 5
Some experimenting with bondaweb
Samples 6 to 8
Comparison of the same painted bondaweb on different coloured backgrounds

Samples 1 to 3

Samples 4 and 5

Some experimenting with bondaweb

Samples 6 to 8

Comparison of the same painted bondaweb on different coloured backgrounds

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